How To Train A Puppy
A Primer For New Puppy Owners

Why is it So Important to Learn How to Train a Puppy?

Simply put, it will make your future relationship with your dog so much stronger, easier and enjoyable. It will also ensure that your puppy matures into a socially acceptable and trustworthy dog.

group of puppies

Puppies are adorable there's no doubt about that. They are also full of potential - which can develop into potentially good, not so good, or even bad behavior - gasp!!

They don't know the difference unless we direct their potential. And we certainly can't gripe about their behavior if we don't take time to train them.

Teach Your Puppy How To Survive

Puppies come into the world full of curiosity, ready to investigate and learn about everything, including how to survive in their pack! At this vulnerable time of life they will be the most responsive to having their behavior directed and structured.

When you know how to train a puppy, you will be able to easily teach a puppy his survival skills so that he can happily and confidently fit in with his new pack, his pack leader and his world.

In return you will have a puppy that responds predictably because you have set up the lines of communication with him. Step by step the relationship with your companion will be enhanced as you progress through his training.

What Happens If A Puppy Isn't Trained?

Well, left to his own devices, a puppy will most likely grow up with a lot of undesirable habits.

Things like:

  • Leaving puddles around the house,
  • Chewing on your furniture or other possessions,
  • Nuisance barking etc.
  • General accidents due to lack of coordination

Not what you had in mind, right? But, let's face it, as far as he is concerned anything goes unless he's been taught otherwise.

cute puppyCourtesy Unsplash

How To Train A Puppy With Confidence

You will be the most effective in your puppy training if you are confident and consistent. Being confident means having a method you believe in and one that others have used with good results.

A good method is based on positive reinforcement and praise. It relies on teaching firmly, yet in a kind manner and never resorts to shouting or violence.

When you are training a puppy, remember he is still in his infancy and has a short attention span. Use his natural playfulness to include some fun in his training sessions and be ever so patient.

Give him a wide birth when it comes to mistakes, because they will happen. Deal with them as you would with a young child - as an opportunity to correct and reinforce the desired behavior.

Don't get all wound up about them as you'll be missing an important part of training - the bonding that occurs when it is done in a friendly, non-threatening way.

puppy urinating outsideCourtesy pixabay

When To Begin Training

So now you have the guidelines of how to train a puppy, the best time to begin the process is very soon after you bring him home.

Potty training a puppy is usually the top priority followed by puppy socialization. Down the road will come leash training and the basic commands of sit, stay, leave-it etc., during which time he will also be learning his/her name.

Don't ever forget that while you are enjoying that adorable furry little puppy, your training sessions are teaching him what he needs to know to be loved and treasured for a lifetime.

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