Old English Sheepdog Liz

by Tom
(Ft Myers, FL USA)

Old English sheepdog art print

I'm a big fan of the Old English Sheepdog. My dog was named Liz and she was terrific.

The breed is very friendly and mine was very playful. Their great coat of hair makes them wonderful to cuddle with. Washing and combing may be a chore, but it also is a great way to bond with your Sheepdog.

Liz was not a barker, but her presence provided a sense of security. When I walked her, strangers could be intimidated by her size, but if they only knew she was actually scared of them!

I've seen miniature Sheepdogs and they combined the great qualities of a standard sized dog with the convenience of a smaller animal. I wish I could find more of them.

The sad news is, I had to relocate and could not take Liz with me so had to give her up.

Fortunately I found a great new family for Liz to live with and I know they loved her as much as I did.

If you like the art print of the breed pictured above, you can obtain it here at Amazon

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